Thursday, October 30, 2008

Notes on Primary Documents

The resolutions of the Continental Congress talks about the rights and liberties of the colonists. The colonists are saying that no one can put taxes on them unless they give consent to do so, or their representative gives consent. They are also saying that they have the same rights as the British do. The circular letter of the Boston Committee was a letter send out from colonists after receiving the copy of an Act of the British Parliament. In this letter they talk about how Great Britain was mistreating Boston, how Britain was shutting down harbors, so they cant do any trade. The colonists in Boston decided they will sacrifice their own well being and not rely on trade, that way Great Britain can't get a reaction out of them. The letter from the Now York Committee was a follow up letter to the Boston Committee. The New York committee decided it was of the up most importance to appoint a committee at this time of emergency. They also reassured everyone that they are in full agreement with their liberty and American Freedom.

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