Tuesday, October 7, 2008

National College Fair

A public college--
University of Washington- It is close, which is convenient and they do accept our credits from PSEC credit wise but we would be freshmen living wise.

A private college--
Whitworth College- They have international classes, where you can travel and take classes in another country.

A rural college--
Central Washington University- It is a big college with a lot of opportunity but is still not as expansive as a traditional large university.

A traditional large university--
Oregon State University- You only need a 3.0 to get in, so it is much easier.

A small alternative college--
Evergreen State College- You can create your own course of study, choose your own classes and put them together anyway you would like.

Colleges best known for psychology--
University of Nevada, Reno- If you score high on your SAT and ACT tests you automatically get money reduced from your tuition
University of Pittsburgh- Their teacher to student ratio is 1:16, making it a lot easier to get your questions answered and your voice heard.

She talked about choosing your college and applying to colleges.
*apply to six-ten colleges
*if you need financial aid you should apply to a couple extra schools
*make sure you know when the deadlines are, and make them
*examples of applications, commonapp.org
*make sure you meet all requirements and tests.

I found it very useful to be able to explain in person what school I go to and to find our if I can put my credits towards their school. I still have no idea what college I want to go to. Now that I know that a lot of colleges don't accept our credits from running start I think it will be a little easier when I finally decide what college is best for me.

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