Thursday, September 25, 2008

Cruelties of the Spaniards

In this passage the author claims he was an eye-witness to an uncountable number of cruelties done by the Spaniards. Although I myself was not an eye-witness I strongly agree with him about the cruelties. The Spaniards tortured and abused the Indians with weapons that were never heard of or even imagined by the Indians. The Indians never hurt or treated the Spaniards badly but only believed that they were gods. The only motivation that they had to mistreat the Indians was gold and power. The Spaniards had no mercy, they killed everyone, not caring about the age, sex, or weather they fought back or not. They put up big boards and hung the Indian people, someone them they cut and left them hanging by the skin alive, they also burned them with stove like griddles. They even went as far as gagging their own men for being too noisy and then executing them. The Spaniards were brutal, malicious, and all about power. To be perfectly honest I am so glad that I wasn't there to witness that first hand.

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