Thursday, October 9, 2008

John Winthrop's Arbella Serman 1630

Quote one:
--Love is the bond of perfection, Christ and his church make one body. If Christ and his church work together and make one body it is perfection bonded with love.
--Most of Winthrop's audience is religious and familiar with the bible; Christ is the spiritual body
--All of these different people from different backgrounds come together with love to work together to make gods church one.

Quote two:
--They wanted "New England" to be the same as England (because they liked the way some things were run, and they were still English) but they wanted it to be better. They wanted a new and reformed version of England. They wanted a new land similar to England but with change, and all the good and pure things England used.

Quote three:
-- God gave them the opportunity of new land, and gave them the change to colonize, so in return they have to step up to their responsibility and fulfill gods plan to make a new and pure colonization.

Quote Four:
-- When our colony succeeds and everyone sees it, they too will want the opportunity to succeed and be part of or make a new godly colony.
-- I think that "City Upon a Hill", stands for something or someone who stands out, who shines! But, who has pressure to remain pure and succeed.

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